Friday, September 3, 2010


hello again, i feel like tweeting in english so here it is, sorry for the bad grammar. so yesterday i was called by an unknown number and i was like dizzy and my brain was unfocused. i answered and it was from arvi centre (idk how its spelled) maybe an overseas education consultant or something, and they asked me if i wanted to study abroad and i said no with no conscious. then they said oh okay then they hung the telephone. then i felt stupid, i was panicking in remorse. i then called back, i said i changed my mind and so on. i asked about the country i wanna go to, etc.

oh i saw 17:17!!!!! q? qiuw qiuw (apasih) oh yesterday i had a bukber with XA 2011!!!! we had fun, much fun, much laughter, and prayer (??) ada ketua rohis gituloh, wakak you know what, im so proud of this class, many of us now become officials in our school organizations. jola ketua rohis, pras ketua pramuka, gue ketua mesis *joget*, hanifi ketua SP, hanif ketua teksound, sama eja ketua art. belom yang PO, ada ina rendra ayu fatimah pasha. PK juga ada, annisa tata eki. yang dapet medali pas OSN ada romi sama noni (emas) sama tata (perunggu), cool kan kan kan. this is fotonya, but small aja ya, lazy buat big big nih.

bosen ah pake bahasa inggris (blg aja gatahan) tadi gue nemu video di folder laptop gue, yang pernah gue post di blog juga sih, terus jadi suka lagi denger si ibu guru itu bacain kata-katanya:

"how tired i am of this unbearable distance between us. how i long for the toll of the recess bell. have you forgotten me? grown mindless of me? tell me i am not writing into an abyss, or that is what will become of my heart."

adios komedos!!!!!!!!!!!

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