Sunday, January 16, 2011

what GMH?

hah gue jarang loh yg sweet2 menye2 uuuwuwu awuwuwe uuuusususunyuyuynyu gitu, ngeliat orang pacaran di dunia maya aja rasanya udah pengen close tab (bukannya iri sih (ntar dikira sirik (ngga kok emg gasuka aja))) tapi ini baca LGMH terus nemu ini terus seneng haha jadi males belajar *yes nambah satu alesan

Today, at work, a guy and a girl in their 20's approached the cash register with groceries.

I asked if they were together, referring to whether the groceries belonged to both of them, the guy smiled at the girl and said, "Forever."

His love GMH.

1 comment:

Amira Zaranadia said...

KOK LO BACA LGMH SIH? Sejak kapan lo jadi unyu..........

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