Wednesday, December 29, 2010


kemaren gue ke csi jakarta lho yang di moi bareng plurkers tapi cuma dikit cuma putri dinda eky ainun rie terus plus garda. nah dinda bawa adeknya 2 biji plus sodaranya, ainun sama putri masing2 bawa adek. jadi ber12 dapet diskon deh tinggal liatin kartu pelajar dan ternyata lumayan seru lho dalemnya, gue belom pernah sih liat mesin mesin dipencet terus keluar yang canggih gitu (kampungan) mayan lah diskon 20% lagi.

terus tadi barusan liat madagascar 2, terus ada kata2 bagus dari melman ke moto moto, pacarnya gloria. ini ngomongin gloria karena melman suka sama doi.

“that’s not it. Listen mototo you better treat this lady like a queen. Because you... you my friend, you’ve found yourself the perfect woman. If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect woman, I would give her flowers every day. And not just any flowers ok? Her favorites are orchids. White. And I’d bring her breakfast every day. 6 loaves of wheat toast with butter on the side. No crusts. The way she likes it. I’d be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend. And I’d spend every day trying to think of how to make her laugh. She has the most… most amazing laugh. That’s what I would do, if I were you. But I’m not, so you do it.”

udahan ah capek

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