Friday, December 4, 2009

ok im using english biar gaya. I got my laptopoppopopppop!!!!!!!! I named it martet. and this is my current desktop wallpaper~ yknow, Galassia.

and this is the homepage

pengkhianat. google loves yahoo, yahoo loves google, they are happy family~ and thats all for today. i hate my english. its not like other people's, mine's is standard. aand you know, I am lack of vocabularies. uunyways, my summative tests are going quite well. my english score is...not bad. and so is my P.E. score. at least I dont have to do the remedies for those two. and ung im scared of physics. monday. physics. monday. oh. kay gottta go, nice talking (siapa yang talking coba) thanks for reading, sorry for the boring english and the grammar, bye bye adios komedos!

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